Deutzia Chardonnay Pearls Deer Resistant
Planting information we suggest when planting your newly purchased deutzia chardonnay pearls plants that you dig a hole twice as wide as the root system but not deeper.
Deutzia chardonnay pearls deer resistant. When finished flowering the bright lime yellow foliage provides all season interest and is also deer resistant. Numerous pearl like buds burst into attractive star shaped flowers in spring. Once the flowers have faded however chardonnay pearls deutzia remains compelling with with bright yellow foliage through frost. Deutzia deer resistant and colorful i love it when i see an old fashioned shrub one that has not been tinkered with by hydridizers at an established property in all it s glory.
Deutzia chardonnay pearls shrubs are an easy to grow shrub that produce numerous pearl like buds that burst into attractive star shaped flowers in the spring. When the flowers have faded this plant continues to shine with its bright yellow foliage. Like other deutzia chardonnay pearls graces springtime with abundant pearl like buds that burst into attractive star shaped flowers.