Prune Rose Of Sharon
Thin out branches which block sunlight or prevent air circulation through the plant.
Prune rose of sharon. Consider the tools that you will need for the job. Such pruning rejuvenate the plant. Stimulating new growth 1. Clear out dead or damaged wood.
How to prune rose of sharon trees 1. You can prune the plant to one third of its height. Stand back from your rose of sharon and check its natural habit. Remove weak branches further down and only prune back healthy branches to the node which allows the desired appearance.
Generally speaking rose of sharon is an exceptionally. Cut the oldest overlapping and crossing branches and those that are high. Look out for dead damaged or diseased branches and once you find out remove them. Pruning rose of sharon shrub will include the removal of older inner branches that disturb an open and airy appearance.
When the bush is young a pair of hand pruners are usually. Sterilize your pruning tools by. This shrub tends to have an upright shape. Wait until winter or early spring to prune rose of sharon.
Pruning rose of sharon for maintenance can be done anytime.